Monday, January 25, 2010

Nice Day

Today was such a nice day I decided to take Natalie and Joseph to the botanical gardens. I wanted to see how green it was right now. For the most part everything was dead, except for a couple of areas. We went right after picking Natalie up from school, so NO fancy clothes in these pictures. Oh, and I figured the only way I could get them to cooperate was with food, so we stopped for some chicken nuggets.

Joseph really loves his big sis!
Natalie had to make a snowman for school a couple of weeks ago. It was sent home as a "family activity". Natalie and her dad put on the cotton balls (Joseph helped with one but then he wanted to eat them) I made the tutu, and me and Natalie drew on the face earring, and all the other good stuff. It was soo cute! Natalie called it her "Ballerina Snowman".

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Baby Allison Is Here!

So my sister-in-law finally had her baby. Finally, after months of waiting she is finally here, and she is absolutely ADORABLE! She was 6.5 lbs. and 19.5 inches long. This picture was taken about an hour after being born.

Rigo and his new baby girl.

Here is a better look at her. She is so tiny and cute!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Okay, I have not really been able to take as many pics as I wish, but here are a few that I took today of Joseph. I have another child I sware, I just have not had a chance to take pics of her! I can't wait until it warms up a little bit so that I can start taking pics outside. My nieces quincenera will be in March, and I get to take her pics! Yay!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jan 12, 2009

Okay, so today I got a new flash and lens for my camera, and all that I can say is that I am in LOVE! I have been wanting them for the longest time, and now these bad boys are all MINE! I am serious about this photography stuff, I just need a little more practice. I am so proud of myself for everything I have learned so far. Now all I need is my Photoshop CS4. That will come soon enough I hope. I didn't get to take too many pics, but here are just a few that I took today.